Damned Words Chapter 6: Devil's Land . The original version with all images could be read and purchased at: richardguerrabooks.info . Traducir al Español. (Original) — Still remains the ghost of what has already gone and the shadow of what is soon to go—he said, without listening to me, concentrated on the smoke that came out from the earth. That, he must have said, sentencing "smoke that must go". —Do you see what's in there? —He said again, pointing to a ruined building rising about a hundred yards away. —That was the church. Look at it! .There was God in it. That God who people say helps men. There is nothing left. No one here ever believed in that God or any other. They did not believe in anything. The man spoke without looking at me. He was a man of about sixty, according to my calculation, with his dark skin, beaten by the sun and time. Undoubtedly he was a man who had walked many roads, looking dismal. ...