
Damned Words

There is a new story! At the end, new stories are always added to The Damned Words!                                  Damned Words These are stories inspired by events that occurred in my life in certain circumstances. Names and places may not be real, but the central idea, it is. I apologize to the people who really were present and helped indefinitely. For those persons, my eternal thanks and please I ask for their understanding.                                  (all these stories have their Isbn and Copyright) Chapter 1: Peaceful block.                In the dark the imagination works more actively than in the light.                  Immanuel Kant. ...
Candlelight It was someone drowning. Who was going to say it! Now that I know, I see it, but ... Who would have imagined it! Looking at it in the calm of silence, in the light of the dancing candle; it looks very clear. The light of my candle, takes everything out to view. It looks like a doll that dilates, grows and then contracts. From very close, we saw some sparks of water, something that stirred, shadows, splashes, movement. Plash !, Plash! Too close. We were too close. You know, details are lost, you can't see properly. It could be assumed that they were jumping fish, tangled trunks, or river waves, anything. My light brought me the omen. It was late, twelve o'clock at night, and I had had nightmares. I took the picture for having it for later. Don't you know how to take pictures of the omens? Well, look at it, here I have it, sometimes it costs me too. What... don't you see it? I do it with these eyes, where the cyclones have gone out. I focus, shoot, record...


Carnivorous . ISBN:  9780463616864 I saw her, while I was going around. She was graceful, fragile, helpless. Attractive, with curious shapes. She took my fantasy away to fly, where the myths of Rococo art prelude raids of satyrs and nymphs, to the meadows radiating of magic, where the song of the pigeons floated like smoke of incense. She was tender, an allusion to the uniqueness of creation. It was not just her; there were others, just as delicate. However, love is unidirectional; she was the one who tied my heart, to my misfortune. I go to the markets and specifically address what I want to look for. I find what I need, I pay and I leave as soon as I can. I avoid being caught by the well-known temptation to buy as much as we are invited to buy, suggesting us with images, commercial advertisements and insinuations that it is unquestionably urgent for us to acquire as much crap as has been put in our sight, how much offal the marquetin uses to attract the primitive ...
Carnívora. ISBN:  9780463616864 Traslate to English La vi al pasar. Agraciada, frágil, indefensa.   Atractiva, con formas curiosas. Se llevó mi fantasía a volar, donde los mitos del arte rococó preludiaban correrías de sátiros y ninfas, a los prados irradiantes de magia, donde el canto de las palomas flotaba cual humo de incienso. Tierna. Una alusión a la singularidad de la creación. No era solo ella, habían otras, igual de delicadas. Sin embargo, el amor, es unidireccional; ella fue la que ató mi corazón. Para mi infortunio. Voy a los mercados y me dirijo concretamente a lo que quiero buscar. Encuentro lo que necesito, pago y me largo lo antes que puedo. Evito que me atrape la archiconocida tentación de comprar cuanta cosa se nos invita a comprar. Sugiriéndonos con imágenes, propagandas comerciales e insinuaciones de que indiscutiblemente nos es urgente adquirir cuanta porquería se haya puesto a nuestra vista, cuanta bazofia el márquetin utilice para atrae...