Damned Words
Although I no longer composed as in my youth, I entertained myself in playing chords and melodies.
Chapter 7: Cashier
ISBN: 9781370018512
ISBN: 9781370018512
In October of two thousand and twelve I was able to
return. It had been six long years. It would be cumbersome to explain why. I
will say that I was back in the United States that year.
I had no job, no way to generate income that would
allow me to support myself. I began an indefatigable search which resulted in
me getting a job as a cashier in a supermarket.
My situation did not allow choosing preferences. I
already had experience in working in stores, having lived and worked in
Michigan, years ago, where I worked in a similar job.
The work in the cash registers of a supermarket is
something serious. Not because of the effort itself, but because the
interaction with customers, fundamentally, is complex, especially in a city
like the one where I had managed to settle; with an influx of people from many
parts of the world.
In direct contact with different idiosyncrasies,
cultures, mental and educational levels, stereotypes; the devil with twenty
hells together.
However, it was an agile job, without giving a
chance for boredom. The hours flew. Like suddenly, the day was over.
At the end, we laughed with sincerity. The smile of the rest of the day was to stretch our lips.
At the end, we laughed with sincerity. The smile of the rest of the day was to stretch our lips.
Our boss oriented us regarding our eternal smile,
about showing an unconditional smile facing any event, formulating the
established questions or statements.
—“Did you find everything you were looking
for?" “Can I help you with something else?”
" Thanks! "," The same for you!
", sketching a beautiful smile.
I remembered a humorous play seen in my childhood,
in which a director taught his actors to always smile.
It was a scene in which they had to carry a big
trunk, but it had to be with joy.
He showed them, with his director's pointer, while
jumping happily, how to load the trunk with joy; only that the pointer was ten
thousand times thinner and lighter than the trunk that the actors had to carry;
represented by three clowns.
—Did you see? With joy, to load the little trunk
truncheon—He said while jumping nimbly holding the pointer with one hand and
giving his bright smile.
The actors, who could barely carry the trunk, were
panting, lifting the weight of the voluminous wood. They could not laugh.
I'm not exaggerating, something like this was
happening in our team. It is an exact comparison.
I speak of an exact similarity because in addition
to the perennial conflicts, the recesses were delayed, the lunches arrived half
an hour later, in such a way that it was difficult to keep the good mood.
However, there were situations that are worth to
tell. For example, I remember one occasion when a man of mature age came to my
register with an object I had never seen before.
He threw it on the mobile mat and asked:
—What is this?
I took the object with care, I observed it in
— I have no idea.
—Huumm!, what could I use it for? , how could I use
I kept silent. He pushed it towards the scanner.
—Check the price, please.
I scanned the article
I scanned the article
—One dollar twenty seven cents.
—Very well I take it.
I could say about many examples.
We listened and we saw all kinds of things.
Protests, attempted robberies, robberies already done, bargaining, the cashiers
women had to brook love's declarations, indecent proposition and even men had
to be careful.
Any girl could turn out to be a man, and vice versa.
Any look or misplaced expression was a possible problem.
In the same way there were kind customers, who want
to help. They understood the worker's position.
Our store was not a bad place to work. Everyone
worked hard. It was also a quiet area and it was very close to home. I got used
to live with a modest salary. I rented a tiny room two blocks away. For
several months I simply used a bicycle, saving the expenses about the car, the
insurance plus the other associated expenses.
It also had another point in favor. It was a simple
thing what was required, something easy and mechanic. I came home and I began
to write, or to work on my photos, listening audio books; complete tranquility.
My free time was enough to feed and exercise the
I bought an old guitar. It sounded good. It tuned.
It was enough for me.
Although I no longer composed as in my youth, I entertained myself in playing chords and melodies.
My room was less than small, just the necessary
thing. Carrying out my subsequent projects, added to the help I always send to
my family and my monthly expenses, would require resources. I needed to save as
much as was possible. My room was extremely modest, also all my belongings, a
modern hermit.
I had no silver cutlery, no decorative pictures, no
old sculptures or bronzes, but I had a dream. Isaac Newton conceived the Law of
Universal Gravitation under an apple tree. My modest laboratory was sufficient
for what I intended to do.
It is not my intention to compare, but to
explain that, even when my conditions were humble, my goals were ambitious.
My main plan was to write, publish a book; to share
ideas with my fellows; ideas that, in fact, were almost never related to those
fellows’ ideas.
My free nights gave me space for work and the meditation.
I played my arpeggios in the guitar, thinking.
Sitting in the deaf darkness of the courtyard, I
heard the sound flying the bright night, breaking it in notes; to penetrate the
domain of the silence.
To make matters better, near my room there was a
park with a large lake, animals, trees, wild plants; territory for my photos.
My photographs and my writing are reciprocally
supported. They allow me to complete what I want to say, to transmit it without
needing to use dozens of inaccurate sentences.
For me these are photos that call, ask or tell a story;
stories which propose and urge to illustrate them with photographs, an
It is not a scholium, it is abbreviated technical
clarification of an operational principle.
With the photos, texts,
chords and dreams in my pocket, I was going to stand in front of a cash
register, dealing with the beasts, eight hours, five days in the week, to
supply my survival in its material dimension.
I understood that the
presence of "the beasts" was the raison d'être of my work; my
economic support and in a large extent, my family's.
There are sorrows that
we have to suffer; a challenge learning to adapt, to live with them. Adapting
our reactions, accommodate behaviors, measure words. Complete mastery of the
conscious and subconscious.
I educated myself I moderated
anger. I made friends, among my colleagues and among the customers. I came to
love my work. I met people from all parts of the earth. China, Europe, India,
of all the countries of Latin America, Canada, Japan, Arabia, Alaska, of
countries that did not even know that they existed, of the islands of the
Caribbean and other islands that scarcely appear in the maps.
I talked to them. While
scanning their products and after asking them the formal questions, I
streamlined the process and even made it less boring. I asked them about their
countries, I accumulated data that would be useful to me, of course, without
stop, working diligently, carefully, joyfully, with a sparkling smile, jubilant
loading the trunk.
Four years passed. I
did not notice them, they rolled through the cash register mat, and they
stuffed themselves into the shopping bags, on my backs, into my hide that was
no longer young.
They left without
telling me anything. They left forever.
It hurts not to understand
what it is that hurts us, to feel that something is missing to do. Seeing that
we are late, we do not discover what life expects from us. Which is the north
indicated by the compasses.
We can be a resource, a
link or a tool. We are all instruments of God. That was my tranquility.
The only thing I had to do was to be fit, available, to let my being be used, at the moment that it would be necessary to let myself to be used and do it well. Then, my pain would disappear.
The only thing I had to do was to be fit, available, to let my being be used, at the moment that it would be necessary to let myself to be used and do it well. Then, my pain would disappear.
In my childhood I saw
an old man who was dying. He seemed satisfied. His last hours flowed calmly,
—I did what I had to
do— he said.—my function was fulfilled.
I did not know what
function he was talking about.
He passed away, life
escape from him like the dew from the plants with the rays of the sun, the same
way it is going to escape any living being.
I decided to persevere,
wait, trust, believe.
Successes, satisfaction
and triumph are for those who persevere, trust and believe.
I will clarify before
continuing, that my years have been rich in dissimilar curious events. I have
taken hold in the belief that every second counts, every door we touch could
open; give us a secret, let us germinate in new lands.
But, I see this with realism,
the solid part of the magic. I do not let my convictions muddle.
I am not interested in
divination, astrology, predictions or paranormal phenomena. I have never
visited a chiromancer, I do not believe in occult phenomena, telepathy or
forebodings, although I do admit the possibility of undeveloped powers and
capabilities in modern man.
I am not an atheist, I
believe firmly and indisputably in God, but my idea of God is beyond any explanations.
I remember a text read.
Carlos Darwin stated: "In my opinion, this whole matter of the emergence
of life and man, is beyond the reach of the human intellect."
I cannot say exactly.
"What Darwin actually said" was called the collection of magazines, I'm
not sure about the legitimacy or seriousness of the source, nor the date of
publication, however if I remember the small booklets that formed the
compilation and I believed the publisher was reliable. This phrase has made me
think; I consider it a conjunction.
The validity of the
comment will be seen.
One night, at the end,
when charging a client, his total was $ 11.11. A number, the very strange thing
was that the next two, bought a total of $ 11.11, likewise.
My shift was over. I
went in search of my car to the parking lot to some place that I did not
usually use. My usual place is in the back, where almost all the employees
park. I left through one of the front doors following the direction of the
right side of the parking lot. I came across a gentleman, I asked him the time;
he answered:
—Eleven with eleven
I got in the car and
was going to close the door, the moment someone called me.
—Sir —was the call.
I looked towards the
place where the called came from.
I saw a boy approaching
with a box in his hands. Nobody was in the parking lot.
The boy approached to
—Would you like to buy
some chocolates?
I had no answer within my
reach. I had no cash with me and it was absolutely inexplicable the presence of
that child at such times, selling chocolates.
I remembered that I
brought a couple of dollars. I took them out, I handed them to the boy. He
started running with his money. Then a girl appeared at the other side of the
empty parking lines.
She shouted to him:
—Do we have enough?
—No, Andreé, we have
only two dollar and we need five to get the bus.
I called them.
—Hey! Come
They came closer.
—Do you speak Spanish?
— I
asked them. I wanted us to understand well. (I will write in English, but from
that moment on, we speak in Spanish.)
They affirmed, looking
at each other.
— Can
you tell me, what the hell are you doing alone at this time around here?
They got scared.
— Mr.
we sell chocolates, but if you do not like them, you return them to us and we
will refund your money.
The boy spoke Spanish
well, with an accent that denoted that it was not his language.
I smiled, in the middle
of my perplexity.
— No
kids, it's so strange to see children alone at this time. Even more, doing what
you are doing.
—We know, sir—he said
again—but we have lost our money and we have to continue on our way.
There are times when we
act without thinking, without analyzing what we are doing or what it would be
logical to do.
I should have asked
them who they were, where they lived, call the rescue services to take care of
them. It would have been better thousand variants or actions to take.
I thought about what
they asked me for, money.
I gave them that.
The case my bank is
close to my work is pure chance. When I opened my account with that bank, it
was in another branch and I did not even work in my current job.
Then, when I started in
the store, a bank establishment was across the street.
I crossed Coral Way and
got forty dollars from my debit account.
When I returned to
where I had left them, I had to look for them. They had moved away. I went to
them and gave them the money. I argued that it could be better if they called a
taxi, but without losing sight of them, I saw them boarding a bus to the east,
that is, towards the downtown.
I walked guided by
inertia to the stop where they got on the bus. I was thinking. Reflecting on
what happened. I imagined my children in a similar case. No, my children would
never be in a similar situation.
I arrived at the bus
stop. I sat on his waiting bench. It was cold. The shopping area signs flashed
their reds, blues, yellows and whites, mixing them with the headlights of the
cars in their inexhaustible flow.
I opened one of the
chocolates. I chewed them trying my brain to start going.
I found an abandoned
backpack. Among other trifles it contained a faded wallet. It must be the boys'
property. I grabbed it, I would see them again.
I left. In my city,
everything can happen.
The next day, I
discussed the matter with my colleagues, who, as expected, were not interest
about that.
I had to be mid-morning
at the door. It is a position used to greet customers, check receipts, control
returns and some other functions.
It is boring, standing
for hours waving to those who do not greet and being nice to those who seem to
reserve to you the most warlike adversity.
Standing up, with open
arms in welcome, with a stupid smile I dismissed those who left and received
those who entered, to each one the own treatment:
—Thanks you for
shopping in our store! , welcome to our store, how could we help you?
Suddenly I noticed the
pictures on the left. It is part of a very noble effort that our company makes
to obtain information about missing children. They are not recent
disappearances, some have already been rescued, others will never can to be
I approached. I watched
carefully. Two photographs caught my attention. I did not comment.
I got home. I messed up
my things. I did not remember where I had put the wallet.
In one of the pockets
of my pants, I found it. I found an ID. Mario Sullivan O’Connor that was the
name of the boy, the picture was the same as I saw in the store, that's what I
Browsing the Internet,
this link appeared:
"Mario Sullivan
O'Connor missing"
They were not common
last names. I investigated. According to a page the surname Sullivan came from
Ireland, and also had roots in Spain.
The surname O'Connor
was, in the same way, of Irish origin, one of the most illustrious surnames of
Ireland, coming from at least six Gaelic clans, each with different branches,
among them the royal family of Conchobor, the king prehistoric of Ulster.
There should be no
connection with these celebrity genetic trees, unless I had been lucky enough
to stumble upon two princes lost in time and place. What nonsense!
It was clear that they
had disappeared, their photo asking for information about them; it was for
that, to investigate their whereabouts.
Another link, however,
attracted me.
"Mario Sullivan
O'Connor and Andreé Sullivan O'Connor have disappeared from 1991."
Data and details were
given. According to the dates, both were eleven years old at that present.
On the Internet there
are things of all kinds, I would not recommend paying too much attention to
everything that appears on the web, instead, it was a group of related and
intriguing aspects.
Winter was beginning.
The work in the store was intense, so when we took our breaks, time flew.
One of the mornings, on
a Friday, during a break, a co-worker talked about some kids who had tried to
scam him. I did not understand from the beginning what the boys' trick
consisted of. I heard him say that they were two boys of different sex; due to
my previous experience I listened carefully
My colleague, who apart
from two penalties that had been placed on him for driving under the influence
of alcohol or narcotics and three or four felonies in which he was been
involved, was not known any other notation in his police record, unless one or
another slight aggression that did not leave dead people; he was a respectable
US resident.
He was talking about
how the rascals had changed a price and pretended to take an item for the price
of another. "They did not know who they were dealing with," he said
proudly of himself.
He bragged about his
past confrontation with the police, he had told them that if he had to stop
driving, he would, that he did not need to.
With arrogance he gave
advice to face situations. He clarified the boys' nonsense and laughed with a
burlesque rumble of the perplexed faces of those who heard him.
The show was nothing to
do with my interest.
I left the break room.
I went to the parking lot. I saw the city, sad; it was disappointed of the people.
But my feeling was not because of the matter heard about the boys, but for
noticing in my comrades, admiration for the speaking personage of the recess
room, who warned the reasoning and all feeling similar to invitation to
reasoning, to keep out the margin.
I walked given to my
A woman, friend of
mine, says that I am an atypical being; that my soul does not fit in my body.
I believe that my soul
is one more soul that lives in the ethereal space that we cannot see. The
difference is that mine has had to live in solitude for a long time. Being
atypical has its disadvantages.
The truth is that I
feel my soul rarefied by inactivity. What is not exercised, get atrophies.
It took me a while to
realize. If they had seen them by the store, then, they frequented the place,
the area. It was less than two weeks after my contact with them.
Although I did not know
the cause, the subject of the boys kept me trapped. It would keep me alert. I
described them to two or three cashiers in the store and asked them to tell me
if they saw the kids.
At home I had the
backpack with the threadbare wallet, which was undoubtedly not from any member
of the nobility of Ireland or anywhere else on the planet where there was a
noble class.
I decided to bring the
backpack and have it in my locker in the store where I keep my things. If I
could get to contact them, it would be easier.
Arriving at my old car,
a friend who also works in the store was parked next to me. He was enjoying
abstracted some photos on his phone, the pictures had been sent by I do not
know who. He lowered his window. He handed me the cell phone to share the
photos with me, photos of a naked woman.
We talked couple of
words. I locked myself in my car. I turned on the radio.
I have permanently
tuned a station that plays songs of my youth. Then I noticed that something was
stuck, it was putted on my windshield. It could not be a fine, because besides
that when leaving the house I had not seen anything in my glass, I am extremely
careful when driving, to the parking lot do not come police patrols to put
I got off and checked
it. It was an envelope.
It was empty. With a
written word: “Thanks!”
I imagined there was
inside. My friends, they had been there. Apparently, they did not know the
city, or rather, the people who live in our city.
Either way, it was a
nice, honorable gesture.
I entertained myself
watching the mockingbirds, listening to their fluttering, their twittering,
their varied trill. I got into my car again. I lowered the window. I listened
to the resulting mix by linking the melodies of the radio with the concert of
the birds.
I repeat this sequence
often, as prophylaxis against stress. I go to the parking lot, I walk, I listen
to the birds, what gives me time in my breaks.
In my head rumbled the
... ring, truch, trash, trunk, clip, which I hear at least ten million times in
each of my shift.
That arrhythmic rattle
of the cash registers, swallowing the deadly sustenance that the troubled world
I noticed in the
receipt that was in my hands. When I left, I had bought a light snack. I paid
with my food stamp card. On the receipt were the numbers: 11.11.
Although other information also appeared, my mind
was predisposed to observe this detail.
What the hell did the damned numbers mean?
It is frustrating to believe receiving a message and
not understanding it. It is even worst to imagine signs where there are only
coincidences, thing which then life shows us in its harsh reality.
With my head resting on the back of my front seat,
eyes closed, ears distracted by the sounds, I felt the repetitive numbers going
down my neck, on my back, twirl my abdomen, cautiously avoid the hollow of my
navel, walking on tiptoe by the belt, jumping to avoid the belt loops of the
trousers, running in a hurry by my hairy thighs and legs to mysteriously to
hide in my shoes.
Where, later they would take care to tie my feet
tightly to don't let me go until my lethargic understanding discovered what had
to be discovered.
—Shit!—I shouted, swatting left and right.
I left the car. Walking to my workplace I saw the
digits come out of my clothes inside crystalline bubbles exchanging their
positions from right to left, from top to bottom like if they no longer wanted
to give me any message but only to drive me crazy.
I came across a colleague who asked me the time. I
did not even check:
— Eleven o'clock— I said, not
understanding why he stayed stared at me dumbfounded.
Ring, truch, trash, trunk, my cash register rang
when I stood in front of it, opening its drawer to let me see the eleven bills
it contained. I did not count them I had to reconcile with the idea that I had
to keep working. Luckily that Friday ended my week and I would have at least
one day off. I put on my flashing light to indicate that I needed change and
But that fateful Friday would bring me other
I changed eleven times from a cash register to
another, I went to the bathroom eleven times, for urgency of my bladder and to
wet my neck, the hindhead; what refreshes me; It allows me to relieve fatigue.
Apparently someone pointed out to my superiors or
maybe they saw for themselves that I frequently interrupted my work, so they
called me to the office.
It is not usual in me, in my work what happened. A
comment of that kind to my superiors is not favorable to me.
It is remarkable how man is the only living being
who is pleased to harm his fellowmen. I have seen worse things. Not long ago I
was able to see a story where some people rejoiced to see suffering a person
covered by flames whom they blamed for a grievance. Horrendous, inexplicable;
the neighbor is pleased with your discomfort or suffering.
But, well, they had not called me to sanction me but
to know if I had any mishap.
My bosses know me; they know that I work seriously,
the best that is possible for me, so they worried. The supervisor who assisted
me has an excellent relationship with me.
I went into the office and after an introductory
talk she asked to me:
—What happen?
I did not know how to explain exactly. I talked
about my exhaustion, that I was nervous. It was not about anything related to
work, but I was altered.
I said I had accumulated time and it could be good
to take two days off.
She explained to me that I could join the free days
of the week and it would not affect my vacation, which I thought I would use to
travel to my country. In addition, the store was very busy and it was difficult
to give days off.
I understood. We agreed. I would have the next two
days without work and then I would incorporate. Perfect. I said thank you and I
The following days I dedicated them to simple labors
at home. Wash my clothes, cleaning, my communications with my family, upload
photos to the network, the routine, but some details remained loose.
Domestic work therapy worked. I relaxed I recovered
the good mood, however, I do not like to cure with palliatives on the effect, I
like to cure the cause; but there are incurable causes.
The result of my meditation on the subject of the boys
was to attribute it to fatigue, to the monotony of my life, to the distance of
my daughter and others. So ... click and continue.
There was a time when I was in my country; we were
in a desperate situation. Our income was minimal for all the expenses of a
Although it seems crazy to say, I had the idea of
developing an application in C #, the language that was most familiar to me at
that time, that would help me to predict, to guess, according to the
probabilities, according to the numbers that had recently come out and the It
was a long time since they came out, following abstract calculations of fuzzy
math, along with millions of other events, the winning numbers, just hitting
the hot spots.
It may seem an invention, a lie, but for months it
worked. It was hard for me to stop thinking about that riddle that finally
brought me lost. I achieved it with a similar pause. So I did this time. I took
a breath.
The first day of work after the break, passed in
calm. With the annotation that a user, of those with whom I have made
friendship, gathered in a small group made certain curious comments.
My work has a characteristic. It does not give rise
to personal feelings or appreciations. You're a machine; to greet, process,
deliver, bye, bye.
New faces, preconceived expressions, uncertain
words, pay the bill and leave, with the exception of nearby neighbors who come
daily to buy.
We already know them. The client I mentioned before
is one of them. His name is Alberto. He is a Cuban who has lived in the United
States for decades; an intelligent, cultured, elderly man, who is fascinated by
social gatherings and the lottery.
That day he talked about a miraculous event that
guided him to play certain numbers. Success guaranteed. There is no doubt that
parapsychology and the human mind are golden tools in the hands of those who
know how to appreciate them.
I could not finish listening. My replacement arrived
and I went to my break, but I found Alberto at the door.
—Come— I said— I want to tell you something.
He followed me to our cafeteria. I bought coffee for
both and I began to tell him about the matter of the boys, of the coincidences,
of the numbers and their repetitions, of the Romans and the Greeks, of hell and
the thousand glooms.
The fifteen minutes were not enough, after which I had to
return to ... the...ringgg, truchhh,
trashhh, trunkkk.
Alberto was thoughtful. It would not be clear why.
The numbers ran through the kiosks of the store, hanging
from the roof holders, tumbling, and snaked between the cars in the parking
lot. There were not elevens in pairs; they were all and every numbers. They met
maliciously; they waited, secreting malignant cabals.
After about thirty days, I found Alberto in another
nearby market where I buy my lunches. The food is well prepared and the dishes
are succulent.
He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and I
imagined that he would say to me: "Do not tell me again the story again
about coincidences”. I was about to apologize for involving him or making him a
participant, when he said:
— I've been playing the numbers for
two weeks, eleven, eleven. It's a good number, no matter the order. Is
mandatory, I have to hit the hot spots. They go after me everywhere.
Alberto's eyes were exorbitant.
—Calm down —I told him-don't pay attention to my
nonsense, just coincidences.
—No, they are revelations, they are fucking
—That you believe, the true revelations we do not
see them coming.
Our food was ready. I paid the two accounts with my
credit card. When I took out my wallet there was no cash, there were a few
cents left, eleven cents.
—Get this, save them, maybe it's another signal.
I threw them in his hand that closed just like the
door behind me.
It was December, in a month my daughter would be
eleven years old. I had to think.
But that's how it is. When I read about Darwin's
studies, I was amazed at how many details and coincidences had to occur, how
many spontaneous mutations over millennia.
How it was possible that complex structures such as
DNA were formed, complex organs were built by a gradual evolution, taking into
account that the intermediate structures were not considerable.
—You have to believe in the coincidences—I told to
my self—or maybe it's better to believe in the will of God and in ourselves.
Man is not prepared for life, which is a project for
which the human species is not ready.
It is not in the material part of the infrastructure
that we could seek change, the way.
We have already explored, traveled and exhausted the
material roads.
I recently read of an expedition planned to Mars. A
Corporation called Mars One carried the project. The news was:
"Mars One aims to establish a permanent
human settlement on Mars. Several unmanned missions will be completed,
establishing a habitable settlement before carefully selected and trained crews
leave for Mars. Funding and implementing this plan will not be easy, it will be
The Mars One team, with its advisors and established
aerospace companies, will assess and mitigate the risks and identify and
overcome the difficulties step by step. Mars One is a global initiative whose
goal is to make this the mission of everyone on Mars, including yours. If we
all work together, we can do this. Let's go to Mars”
This was extracted from the web, literally. We had
already ruined the earth, now we were going to destroy Mars.
If carried out, soon also the paths of Mars and
towards Mars or towards any other end of the universe, would be equally
explored, traveled, spent and devastated.
Ringg, truchh, trashh, trunkk, ringg, truchh,
trashh, trunkk, ringg, truchh, trashh, trunkk. The cash registers shouted in
unison, the next day of work.
I came up with the idea of subtly sharing eleven
experiences every day from which valuable points could be extracted, also avoid
eleven lies, or give eleven traditional medicine remedies.
Give me eleven bites on my tongue every time I say a
stupid answer like the dozens that I usually say of when the customers give me
brusque answers.
So to speak, I could already have a laceration in my
liver caused by fluids Cortisol, Thyroid, or what other hormones that handle
stress and bad mood.
It was a Thursday; said insipid Thursday there was
another phenomenon of those who incite to lose faith in man.
Around the store was a man with a guitar. He played
instrumental melodies, not classical music, although of an impressive beauty. I
had a small amplifier or so it seemed and the guitar, nothing else.
He got tips. I saw many visitors stop and give money to him.
He got tips. I saw many visitors stop and give money to him.
To the cashiers men,
are often assigned to work picking up shopping carts, this was my
function for that morning, so I had to be circling around the parking lot.
I stopped two or three times to watch the execution
of the guitarist. At first I listened to the melody distracted, but there was a
moment when the performer dropped the money given by some young people. He bent
down to pick it up and I noticed that the music was not interrupted.
It was curious. I noticed the chords he played and
the notes, treble, bass and tones that sounded. I play guitar, I am not a
virtuous, but in addition to playing, I can recognize how it is logical if the
interpretation corresponds to the chords or movements of the fingers and hands.
There was no correspondence, it was a recording. What a joke!
The hours ran and I returned to my room. I was
hopeful that tonight I could sleep better. I was exhausted and tiredness is an
excellent sleeping pill.
As always, I checked my correspondence, I sent my
emails to my family, I checked the activity in my accounts, everything was
I was assailed by the idea of reading about an
aspect that is not included in my routine habits. I had been dreaming of
numbers. I already said that I am not attracted to those predictions linked to
dreams or premonitions guided by ideas when we are in the state of
unconsciousness; however I spent almost two hours reading.
I read that dreaming about numbers brings different
connotations. They help us to know better the internal aspects of our being and
to reflect on the way of relating to the people around us, which accentuates
the desire to win and not to conform. It can be equivalent to an approach to
business. Businesses for me were very limited, but I kept reading. I will quote
verbatim what was found.
"Throughout the history of human experience,
mysterious numbers and strange sequences have appeared. Even in nature we find
numbers, often grouped into sequences and patterns that seem to form a
structure underlying all of reality.
Two of the most impressive examples are the Gold
Ratio and the Fibonacci Spiral, which imply a higher order of measurement
behind what many of us take for granted, such as the proportion of our own
Number 1 reminds us that we create our own reality
with our thoughts, beliefs, intentions and actions. It is often said that when
repetition 1111 appears, it represents a "wake-up call", an
"Activation Code", an "Alarm Call" or "Consciousness
It can also be seen as a key to opening the
subconscious mind, and it reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a
physical experience, rather than physical beings who embark on spiritual experiences.
When you notice that a sequence of 1111 appears
repeatedly, you can have an increase in the synchronisms and improbable and
miraculous coincidences that appear in your life.
Sometimes, when you are about to reach an important
spiritual moment, the number 1111 can appear in your physical reality and show
you the imminence of the change.
When the number 1111 appears to you, take note of
the thoughts that you had just at that moment, since 1111 indicates that your
thoughts and beliefs align with your truths.
For example, if you had an idea inspired by the time
you saw 1111, this would indicate that it would be a positive and productive
idea and you should carry it out.
When Number 1111 appears repeatedly it means that an
energetic portal has been opened for you, and it will quickly manifest your
ideas in reality. Your creative power is very great at that moment.
So do not be afraid, the numbers are trying to help
you. "
This was what I read.
I cannot and I do not want to say that my reading
was the cause, but an impulse. From such circumstances, in which nothing
material had changed, I decided to start a small business, I registered it, I
bought tools, equipment, resources, so that it would start to work.
I started printing and selling postcards as well as
digital images for business announcements. I unearthed my desire to write. I
published stories and illustrated books on the net.
In other words, I have conceived the greatest of my
dreams; give space to the being who wants to be, let my soul grow even if it
leaves my body.
The previous year I made my tax return where I
linked my business.
I had important news. My daughter, who was about to
be eleven years old, unexpectedly enrolled in a specialized music school, which
was an illusion unattainable for me.
My humble work has made this possible, guaranteeing
my livelihood, for allowing me to help mine, for giving me lessons in humility,
helping me to penetrate human nature and a thousand additional details.
I found my friend Alberto recently, who has not win
the lottery yet, or the play four with the combination 1111. He clarified that
he would continue trying.
—And you? What are you gonna do?" He asked with
a frown.
—I'm going to live, brother because it may be eleven
years, days, eleven minutes what is left to me. I have to forget fatigue a
I said that, convinced.
I stopped my foot so not to crush the pairs of ones
that came out of their pants, mixing with the hurried passers-by.
"There are no accidents or coincidences in
life, everything is synchronization, because everything has a frequency. It's
just the physics in life and the universe in action. “ — said Rhonda Byrne.
The successes, the satisfaction and the triumph are
for those who persevere, trust and believe, mine, should not be so far, according
to what I see as success. I did not see the boys again. I had already been
told what I had to be told.
I said goodbye to my friend and clicked to give me
the escape signal.
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